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Tri-phase Detox is a "beginning" supplement that is taken to mildly cleanse the body of toxins found in the air we breath(environmental toxins), the sugars we eat, chemical solvents which are associated with continuing fatigue, the metabolic wastes, drugs, and a host of multiple other things present in our everyday living.  It is a MILD detox, where we do NOT need to be by a bathroom and comes in the form of a capsule. Once the body is cleansed, it allows the body to operate as effectively and efficiently, as possible.  This process generally takes 1-2 weeks.  Tri-phase Detox helps clean out the body by providing advanced, balanced support for multiple phases of detoxification by supporting the kidneys, liver, and colon health functions. Tri-phase Detox accomplishes this by metabolizes a toxin, transmits it to a less toxic form making i a water soluble substance (Phase I).  Phase II neutralizes toxins, making them more easily excreted through the urine or bile.  Phase III(elimination)is when the actual toxins exit the body.  Colon health, digestion, and overall intestinal well-being are intricately involved in the health of the detoxification process.  Urinary tract support is also covered in this formula as it too plays a role in the elimination process.

Tri-Phase Detox

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