Meet Dr. Bridget Chufo
Dr. Bridget Chufo is a renowned expert in the field of weight loss and obesity. She is a registered nurse with a Ph.D. from the prestigious New York University. Dr. Chufo has studied this field since 1980. She has worked with thousands of patients whose lives are debilitated from being overweight and obese. Through these interactions she has instituted strategies and techniques unique to helping them stick to a healthier way of living. It is life changing and in many cases life saving! She believes that most anything can be accomplished with hard work, persistence, prayer, and a positive attitude. She believes that challenges come with life, but they can be overcome.
The reasons behind Dr. Chufo’s successes are clear. She has a drive and true passion for whatever she does. This drive is what she passes on to her patients. She is full of energy and has a great sense of enthusiasm. Dr. Chufo has a tremendous amount of compassion and sincerity and calls a spade a spade. She does not dance around issues. She is gentle and kind in the way she does this. She has a talent for helping people feel special and helps them to see the good and worth in themselves. She believes in being responsible and accountable for the choices one makes in life and not in blaming others or situations. She, herself, has been through much adversity and many challenges in her personal and business life, but continues to put one foot in front of the other and keeps on moving.
Dr. Chufo shares her knowledge and experiences with others in both large and small groups. Anyone who wants to change their life and make it better in all ways is her goal in life. She helps people weather the storms that life presents and helps them to find purpose in their lives. She is consistently contacted as an expert in the areas of weight loss and obesity, but these areas continue to lead to changes in one’s whole being, meaning the body, as well as the mind, heart, and soul. She shares wonderful and miraculous stories that others have experienced with these changes. Her weight loss plans are proven time and time again. Visit the GET MOTIVATED for a couple of the success stories.

About Our Center
Don't Struggle to lose weight on your own.
The most unique difference of our center is that it offers many different types of programs designed for each individual. We have herbal supplements, vitamins and minerals customized by Dr. Chufo and her research staff implemented from the highest quality labs in the country. Personal and group coaching is an integral part of most programs because this is where you will be motivated and inspired to become the person you want to be. This is not an ordinary weight loss clinic. We go above and beyond to ensure your success.
We offer:
One-on-one counseling to help motivate and discuss your personal challenges with food
Food plans delivered to your home that are of the healthiest quality, and appropriate to your lifestyle
An infrared sauna to detox the body so that the toxins are able to exit the body quickly
Fat2Fit vibration plate that burns up to 600 calories per day in 20-30 minutes sessions
A complete line of nutritional supplements at our location and at our ONLINE STORE
This will be the best and greatest investment in your life because it will change your life for the better.
Visit our FAQ page for more details!

For questions or comments about our products and services, get in touch.